●最上位目次●健康全般 ●自動車全般

【目次】フォルクスワーゲン ゴルフ7 VW Golf [記事分類]

○G7 メンテナンス○G7 修理○Highline 試乗1○Highline 試乗2
○Comfortline 試乗1○ドライブ 房総1○ドライブ 房総2○Golf7

メンテナンス[Maintenance] ↑上に戻る↑
28 2014/08/14 ワイパーゴム交換 その1
29 2014/08/15 ワイパーゴム交換 その2
30 2014/08/16 ワイパーゴム交換 その3

リコール・修理[Repair] ↑上に戻る↑
15 2014/01/24 昨年リコールがあったばかりの同じ7速DSGで再びリコールです。
16 2014/02/04 DSGのゼロ調整もしてもらいとても快適になりました。佳いお店に当たりました。
26 2014/07/27 2回目のリコール 電気パーキングブレーキ動作不良 発売から1年1ヶ月丁度
27 2014/08/04 VW Golf7 2回目のリコール 処理完了しました。 プラスしてエアコン管干渉を直してもらいました。この干渉追求の方が語りたいネタです。
34 2015/01/18 フォルクスワーゲン ゴルフ7 正月明けエンジン始動不調 ○Aマークの怪 原因究明完了!
35 2015/02/03 エンジン制御バージョンアップ 2シリンダーモード移行プログラム変更
36 2015/03/03 エンジン制御バージョンアップ 2シリンダーモード移行プログラム変更 その2
37 2015/03/25 フォルクスワーゲン ゴルフ7 フロントドア開け渋いのを直してもらいました。

ゴルフ7 ハイライン 第1回試乗[Golf7 Highline TD1] ↑上に戻る↑
01 2013/06/23 フォルクスワーゲン ゴルフ7(VW Golf7) 試乗メモその1
02 2013/06/25 フォルクスワーゲン ゴルフ7(VW Golf7) 試乗メモその2
03 2013/06/26 フォルクスワーゲン ゴルフ7(VW Golf7) 試乗メモその3
04 2013/06/27 フォルクスワーゲン ゴルフ7(VW Golf7) 試乗メモその4 最後です。

ゴルフ7 ハイライン 第2回試乗[Golf7 Highline TD2] ↑上に戻る↑
01 2013/07/02 ゴルフ7 試乗メモ 1回目 発進スムーズ確認!!
02 2013/07/03 ゴルフ7 試乗メモ 第二弾 2回目
03 2013/07/04 ゴルフ7 試乗メモ 第二弾 3回目

ゴルフ7 コンフォートライン 第1回試乗[Golf7 Comfortline TD1] ↑上に戻る↑
01 2013/08/11 外観と内装
02 2013/08/14 乗りだし
03 2013/08/17 市街地走行01
04 2013/08/20 市街地走行02
05 2013/08/25 坂道発進01
06 2013/08/27 坂道発進02
07 2013/08/29 街道の巡航01
08 2013/09/12 街道の巡航021
09 2013/09/19 高速道路走行
10 2013/09/27 お店に帰ってバックです
11 2013/10/04 まとめ 普通に町中走るなら1.2Lで。余裕有る走りなら1.4L

南房総ドライブ1回目 2013/07/20[Golf7 Highline Drive1] ↑上に戻る↑
01 2013/07/25 距離計リセット後金谷までで19.0km/L
02 2013/07/26 洲崎灯台 累積 71km 平均燃費 18.6km/L
03 2013/07/27 野島崎灯台 CB350とのツーショット 累積89km 平均燃費 18.7km/L
04 2013/07/28 海とGolf7 累積95km 平均燃費 18.4km/L
05 2013/07/29 坂道粘るGolf7
06 2013/07/30 最終回 暴走スカイラインとGolf7 累積150km 平均燃費 18.8km/L

南房総ドライブ2回目 2014/04/22[Golf7 Highline Drive2] ↑上に戻る↑
01 2014/07/13 最初の区間はオートクルーズ多用 浜金谷フェリー乗り場近く「見波亭」のバウムクーヘン
02 2014/07/14 道の駅とみうらまで途中クランク状のカーブ、極端に狭い道幅有り燃費に影響 道の駅では名物のびわソフトを食す
03 2014/07/22 洲埼灯台経由野島埼灯台 洲埼への上りは燃費に悪し 野島埼で初めての食事 ラジオが天気怪しいこと言ってます。
04 2014/07/24 最終回 君津インターまで外房、鴨川、鴨川有料道路経由で帰りました。燃費は158km走って19.6kmと昨年の18.9km/Lより佳かった。ハンディーがあるのに。

情報[Information] ↑上に戻る↑
01 2013/11/25 祝! VW Golf7 2013-2014日本カー・オブ・ザ・イヤー(CAR OF THE YEAR JAPAN)に決定!! 輸入車初の快挙!!! 2位はFIT3 ゴルフは2013世界カー・オブ・ザ・イヤー(World Car Awards以前のWorld Car of the Year)もすでに獲得しています。
02 2014/02/01 VW Golf7,Variant マニュアルエアコンも進化して使いやすい
03 2014/10/24 フォルクスワーゲン E-up!と E-Golf7の日本での発売決定。E-UP!は2015年2月、E-Golf7は2015年6月。今日はE-Golfメインで紹介。
04 2014/10/25 フォルクスワーゲン E-up!と E-Golf7の日本仕様で残念と思う仕様充電ポートが前後2箇所に泣き別れ。

Golf7 Der Erste生活 ↑上に戻る↑
01 2013/07/18 とうとう来ました 新しい家族 Golf7 Der Erste 1 乗りだし。
02 2013/07/19 高速走行静かです。エアコン使うと2シリンダーモード少ないです。
03 2013/07/23 家族の一員 Golf7 3 最初の四日間 通勤での燃費メモ
04 2013/08/07 乗ってみて思うこと 燃費 出勤編 前編
05 2013/09/04 レーンアシストの印象について
06 2013/09/21 2ヶ月乗って思うこと 燃費、加速感
07 2013/10/22 乗ってみて思うこと 鋳物のような剛性感とマニュアル車の加速感
08 2013/10/23 2ヶ月乗って思うこと ごつごつ感 空気圧高めでなぜか軽く ショックが落ちついた??
09 2013/11/10 Golf7のちょっとした気遣い。これがワールドベンチマーク車だとすると日本のコンパクトカーはどうなんだろう。
10 2013/11/14 Golf7のちょっとした気遣い。今日は寒かったですね。Golf7に雪マーク出ました。
11 2013/11/17 寒くなってきました。短距離通勤のせいかアイドリングストップしない場面多くなりました。
12 2013/12/18 Golf7のちょっとした気遣い。ちょっとしたことでも感心したこと 直感的でかゆいところに手が届く空調スイッチ構成
13 2013/12/21 寒くなって短距離通勤ではアイドリングストップ働けなくなりました。理由はちゃんとモニターに詳細表示。理由知れば納得!ユーザーに優しいHMI
14 2013/12/31 ちょっとした心遣い エレクトロニックパーキングブレーキにも心配りあり。ランプ一つでこんなに違う
17 2014/03/10 VW Golf7のクルーズコントロール(VW 内アクティブクルーズコントロール(Active Cruise Control : ACC)) 指定は30km/h以上ですが、動作は0km/hまで。
18 2014/03/11 VW Golf7 highline 8ヶ月経って思うこと。給油の回数減ってタイヤの空気圧確認に気を使うようになりました。車内音の静かさは慣れると大きく思うようになりました。
19 2014/03/25 ようやく通勤使用のみでもアイドリングストップ機能が働き始めました。
20 2014/03/26 ボディー硬いです。 洗車しながら思うこと。
21 2014/04/05 塗装が硬いです。洗車しながら思うこと。ガラスコーティングのプロも削り出しで感じていました。
22 2014/04/25 VW Golf7 ドア取り付け部は昔から未だに鋳物あるいは削り出しです。しっかりとした取り付けに必要なのか。知りたいなー。
23 2014/0511 屋根板と接合部の溝がほとんど無くなっています。そこは、線溶接で強度アップ。
24 2014/05/30 久しぶりに通勤で使ってコース変更で燃費悪化。通院で山谷走っても19km/L以上だったのに。
25 2014/06/11 線溶接の美しいルーフが徒に 撥水仕様にしていると屋根に溜まった雨粒が車内に水が流れ込んでしまいます。
26 2014/07/27 2回目のリコール 電気パーキングブレーキ動作不良 発売から1年1ヶ月丁度
27 2014/08/04 2回目のリコール 処理完了しました。 プラスしてエアコン管干渉を直してもらいました。この干渉追求の方が語りたいネタです。
28 2014/10/12 VW Golf7 ブレーキの削れ少し減りました。当たりが付いてきたと言うことでしょうか。それでも消耗品か。
29 2014/11/09 VW Golf7 フロントフェンダーパネルの骨組みへの取り付けは別付けのノリしろで数点固定。更にスポンジ状ウレタンで大きく開いた穴をカバー。
30 2014/11/12 ゴルフ7 この夏はスタートストップ機能がほとんど働きませんでした。バッテリーに優しい季節のはずなのになぜ。その1
31 2014/11/15 ゴルフ7 この夏はスタートストップ機能がほとんど働きませんでした。バッテリーに優しい季節のはずなのになぜ。その2
32 2014/12/10 1000記事達成記念 ゴルフ7 スタートストップ機能 その3 働かなかった理由はオートクルーズコントロールではなかいも・・・。ちゃんとした答えは来年の初夏まで待ちですが。
33 2015/01/14 フォルクスワーゲン ゴルフ7 レーンキープ機能 ウィンカー点灯で作動一時停止
38 2015/01/14 冷えた状態でのエンジンスタート 暖気のためにエンジン回転数上がらない
39 2015/05/21 アダプティブ・クルーズ・コントロールが転がり踊っていたアルミ缶に反応した
40 2015/07/07 アイドリングストップしやすくする工夫 2015/06

Golf7 drive 09 620.jpg

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Your article is great. I think it will be praised anywhere.

by 토토사이트 (2021-05-24 14:41) 


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by 메이저놀이터 (2021-05-31 13:42) 


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by 먹튀검증사이트 (2021-07-26 13:45) 


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by 메이저놀이터 (2021-07-28 12:05) 


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by 먹튀검증사이트 (2021-07-29 16:40) 


I feel like I'm becoming a genius because there are so many good writings in the world.<
by 안전놀이터추천 (2021-07-30 14:45) 


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by 토토사이트추천 (2021-08-09 11:47) 


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by 토토사이트 (2021-08-14 11:21) 


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by 토토커뮤니티 (2021-08-16 11:22) 


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by 안전놀이터순위 (2021-08-16 17:56) 


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by 안전놀이터 (2021-08-18 19:31) 


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by 토토커뮤니티 (2021-08-19 11:46) 


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by 메이저놀이터순위 (2021-08-24 11:46) 


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by 메이저토토사이트모음 (2021-08-27 12:06) 


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by 메이저안전놀이터 (2021-08-29 12:34) 


It's really great. Thank you for providing a quality article. There is something you might be interested in. Do you know ? If you have more questions, please come to my site and check it out! 토토커뮤니티

by 토토커뮤니티 (2021-09-09 15:41) 


Your article is great. I think it will be praised anywhere.
by 먹튀검증사이트 (2021-09-23 14:53) 


There must have been many difficulties in providing this information.
by 토토사이트추천 (2021-09-23 14:54) 


There must have been many difficulties in providing this information.

by 머니상 (2021-09-23 14:56) 


Hey there! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after reading through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be book-marking and checking back frequently 7mcn

by 7mcn (2021-09-26 18:47) 


"First and second, as the saying goes, Verification, wouldn't it be better for us to use the verified place first? You need to think about verification
by 먹튀검증업체 (2021-10-13 11:09) 


What a nice post! I'm so happy to read this. 토토사이트추천 What you wrote was very helpful to me. Thank you. Actually, I run a site similar to you. If you have time, could you visit my site? Please leave your comments after reading what I wrote. If you do so, I will actively reflect your opinion. I think it will be a great help to run my site. Have a good day.

by 토토사이트추천 (2021-10-19 12:11) 


<a href="">카지노사이트</a> The International Olympic Committee said on Saturday it has ''concerns'' about FIFA's push for soccer World Cups every two years.

by 카지노사이트 (2021-10-20 06:29) 


<a href="">토토검증</a> Though IOC President Thomas Bach said last month ''we will not interfere in this discussion,'' his organization stepped in on Saturday after meeting in Athens to detail objections it shared with soccer stakeholders.

by 토토검증 (2021-10-20 06:30) 


<a href="">사설토토</a> Clashes in the schedule with other sports, the men's World Cup overshadowing women's editions of the tournament, and ''a further massive strain'' on athlete welfare were all cited in an IOC statement after an executive board meeting.

by 사설토토 (2021-10-20 06:30) 


<a href="">메이저놀이터</a> The IOC did not refer to potential future World Cup-Olympics clashes ― potentially as soon as 2028 when the Summer Games are hosted by Los Angeles ― in its statement.

by 메이저놀이터 (2021-10-20 06:30) 


<a href="">스포츠토토사이트</a> The IOC did criticize FIFA's tactics in promoting the biennial World Cup project by noting a wider consultation across soccer ''has obviously not taken place.''

by 스포츠토토사이트 (2021-10-20 06:31) 


Thanks for some other excellent article. The place else may anybody get that type of info in such an ideal means of writing? I have a presentation next week, and I’m on the search for such information. 먹튀검증커뮤니티
by 먹튀검증커뮤니티 (2021-11-02 13:21) 


My programmer is trying to convince me to move to .net from ">keonhacai</a>. I have always disliked the idea because of the expenses. But he's tryiong none the less.

by keonhacai (2021-11-05 16:22) 

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Hey There. I found your blog using msn. This is a very well written article. I’ll be sure to bookmark it and come back to read more of your useful info. Thanks for the post. I’ll definitely return. <a href="" target="_blank">메이저놀이터</a>

by power blog (2021-11-11 03:32) 


But news of the first (hash)MeToo case to reach the political realm in China has not been reported by the domestic media and online discussion of it has been highly censored.

by mukoff (2021-12-02 14:01) 

''Her recent public reappearance does not ease concerns about her safety and freedom,'' an EU spokesperson said.

by totooff (2021-12-02 14:03) 

The European Union said Tuesday it wants China to offer ''verifiable proof'' that Peng ― a 35-year-old who used to be ranked No. 1 in doubles and won titles at Wimbledon and the French Open ― is safe.

by tototimez (2021-12-02 14:05) 

mukclean have suggested that Peng would not have called the IOC if she was truly free to speak.

by mukclean (2021-12-02 14:18) 

''The WTA has remained steadfast and true to its values since the outset and we understand their decision,'' Bowler said. ''We will continue to monitor the situation closely.''

by scoretvs (2021-12-02 14:20) 


''In good conscience, I don't see how I can ask our athletes to compete there when Peng Shuai is not allowed to communicate freely and has seemingly been pressured to contradict her allegation of sexual assault,'' Simon said. ''Given the current state of affairs, I am also greatly concerned about the risks that all of our players and staff could face if we were to hold events in China in 2022.''
by mtpolice (2021-12-02 14:24) 

The U.S. Tennis Association commended Simon and the WTA, tweeting a statement that read: ''This type of leadership is courageous and what is needed to ensure the rights of all individuals are protected and all voices are heard.''

by sureman (2021-12-02 14:25) 

안전놀이터 안전놀이터 Coach Langnick, who has a lot of experience on the German stage, prefers soccer based on pressure. The media explained, "After the appointment of coach Langnick, the word 'gegen pressing' or

by 안전놀이터 (2021-12-03 22:59) 

먹튀검증 먹튀검증 The media said, "Ronaldo didn't put pressure even when he was much younger. Ferguson said, "I saw Ronaldo's ability to attack by dribbling and creating opportunities," adding, "Ronaldo's pressure

by 먹튀검증 (2021-12-03 22:59) 

메이저놀이터 메이저놀이터 Ronaldo is a style of playing with explosive power, concentration, and off-the-ball with his accumulated stamina instead of pressure. Therefore, some predicted that Ronaldo would not be appointed

by 메이저놀이터 (2021-12-03 22:59) 

안전놀이터 안전놀이터 The San Diego Padres are aiming for FA slugger Nick Casteyanos (29). Although all work has been suspended due to the closure of the workplace, it has emerged as the No. 1 recruitment of San

by 안전놀이터 (2021-12-03 22:59) 

먹튀폴리스 먹튀폴리스 Bob Nightingale, a reporter for USA Today Sports, said on the 3rd (Korea Standard Time) that San Diego is showing strong interest in FA outfielder Casteyanos. However, he added that the contract is

by 먹튀폴리스 (2021-12-03 23:00) 

온라인카지노 온라인카지노 Uta big gun Casteyanos made his big league debut with the Detroit Tigers in 2013. Castejanos, who signed a four-year, $64 million FA contract with the Cincinnati Reds in January 2020 after passing

by 온라인카지노 (2021-12-03 23:00) 

메이저사이트 메이저사이트 Casteyanos, who has consistently recorded double-digit home runs for eight consecutive years since 2014, had his best season this year. With a batting average of .39 with 34 home runs and 100 RBIs

by 메이저사이트 (2021-12-03 23:01) 

먹튀검증 먹튀검증 The three players, who were sanctioned for three years, played for the national team by age and tried to maintain their sense of play. He played the 2014 AFC U16 Championship, the 2015 Suwon JS

by 먹튀검증 (2021-12-03 23:01) 


My programmer is trying to convince me to move to .net from I liked the idea because of the expenses. But he's tryiong none the less.

by keonhacai (2021-12-09 13:20) 


You delivered such an impressive piece to read, giving every subject enlightenment for us to gain information. Thanks for sharing such information with us due to which my several concepts have been cleared. 먹튀검증사이트

by 먹튀검증사이트 (2022-01-03 02:13) 


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by 메이저놀이터 (2022-01-06 03:59) 


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by 먹튀검증 (2022-01-06 04:03) 


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by 메이저토토사이트 (2022-01-06 04:03) 


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by 메이저토토 (2022-01-06 04:05) 


Your post is very helpful and information is reliable. I am satisfied with your post. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post. If you have any assignment requirement then you are at the right place. 토토사이트추천

by 토토사이트추천 (2022-01-06 04:09) 

메이저놀이터 메이저놀이터 For those in their 90s for Baekdol, 80s for bogeys, and 80s for those in their 80s for the new year, I hope they achieve their dream of becoming a single. It's even more an honor if the hole-in-one

by 메이저놀이터 (2022-01-07 18:57) 


On the first day, the fairway hit rate was 86.67%, and the green hit rate was 88.89%, with 28 putts, showing sharp performance from the first tournament of the new year. The average drive shot

by 토토사이트 (2022-01-07 18:57) 


He made three putts about 10 meters from the seventh hole and wrote down his only bogey on the day, but his upward trend did not dampen. He changed the mood by catching a birdie on the 9th

by 먹튀검증 (2022-01-07 18:57) 

토토사이트 먹튀검증

He tied for fifth in the first competition he participated in last year and is seeking his first championship with the top five for the second consecutive year this year. Kim Si-woo, who participated in

by 토토사이트 먹튀검증 (2022-01-07 18:58) 


In the second half, he made three consecutive birdies from the 12th hole to the 14th hole, raising his ranking further. Since then, the remaining four holes have been finished with par. There was a

by 토토사이트추천 (2022-01-07 18:58) 


Choi Hye-jin, who tied for eighth in the U.S. Women's Professional Golf Tour qualifying series, expressed her feelings about finishing the Q series and the rookie season before leaving for the U.S.

by 먹튀검증 (2022-01-07 18:59) 


Only 38 winners from last year will participate in the competition, which will be held in the form of a "King of Kings." Lim Sung-jae received a ticket to participate in the Schriners Children's Open in

by 먹튀검증사이트 (2022-01-07 18:59) 


Kim Si-woo exchanged 1 birdie and 1 bogey on 9 holes in the first half, failing to reduce the number of strokes, but in the second half, he picked out only 2 birdies. The drive shot fairway hit rate was

by 먹튀검증업체 (2022-01-07 18:59) 


Choi Hye-jin, who took part in the LPGA Tour qualifying series last month, will make her official debut on the LPGA Tour this season after passing the tournament tied for eighth place.

by 메이저놀이터 (2022-01-07 19:00) 


Choi Hye-jin said, "It was good to achieve my long-awaited dream of entering the LPGA Tour. I want to do well, and I am worried and looking forward to it. "I said I won the LPGA Tour seed

by 메이저토토사이트 (2022-01-07 19:00) 


In a recent telephone interview with Golf Digest, Choi Hye-jin said, "With only a few days left before going to the U.S., I'm working out and filming behind these days, so I'm preparing hard for the LPGA

by 메이저사이트 (2022-01-07 19:00) 


He will leave for Palm Spring on the 11th and attend a rookie seminar in Florida after training, and make his official debut at Gainbridge LPGA, the second tournament of the season, on the 28th.

by 안전놀이터 (2022-01-07 19:01) 


He said, "In fact, I was worried even before I went to the Q series whether it was right to go to the U.S. I was worried that the environment would be different from what I used to do in Korea

by 메이저토토 (2022-01-07 19:06) 


If you go to the U.S. when you're not ready, wouldn't it be a worse situation? Before I went to the Q series, I had such concerns, and rather, while playing the Q series, I thought, "Why should I go

by 메이저사이트 (2022-01-07 19:06) 


The LPGA Tour Q series was held in eight rounds for two weeks and took place on two courses. Choi Hye-jin won the KLPGA Tour Chojeong Carbonated Water and Yongpyeong Resort Open as an

by 토토사이트 (2022-01-07 19:08) 


Choi Hye-jin said, "I was worried because it was my first seed match. I paid a lot of attention to the fact that the game went well in the first week. In the second week, the weather and environment

by 먹튀검증 (2022-01-07 19:09) 


I realized that later in the last round. If I had realized it early, I would have tried other things, but it was a little disappointing. From next time on, I felt that I had to change and try different ways

by 메이저놀이터 (2022-01-07 19:09) 


Choi Hye-jin said, "The Rookie of the Year award is an opportunity that I want to ride even more," adding, "The U.S. has more diverse course styles and types of grass." "Going to the U.S., practicing a

by 메이저사이트추천 (2022-01-07 19:11) 


The LPGA Tour Rookie Corps is expected to compete all-time, including Annarin, who passed the Q series as the top player, Pauline Lusain Bushaar, Ataya Titigun, Ayaka Furu and Hinako

by 메이저놀이터추천 (2022-01-07 19:12) 


He added, "The goal of this year's LPGA Tour is to win the Rookie of the Year award, but regardless of such results, I want to adapt quickly and play a season without any major problems."

by 메이저사이트 (2022-01-07 19:13) 


The competitions I want to win the most are the Lotte Tournament, a sponsor competition that I have yet to win, and the US Women's Open, which finished second when I was an amateur in 2017.

by 토토사이트 (2022-01-07 19:14) 


At that time, the runner-up prize money was $540,000, but Choi Hye-jin did not receive the prize money because she was an amateur. If Choi Hye-jin had declared herself a professional at the

by 안전놀이터 (2022-01-07 19:15) 


Having made his official debut on the LPGA Tour at the end of January, he said, "I played aggressively and confidently when I was an amateur or a rookie in Korea. The more I played in the season

by 메이저토토 (2022-01-07 19:15) 


On the LPGA Tour, there are many courses I'm new to, and since it's the Rookie of the Year, I'll try to play with a new mind and feel like I'm starting from the beginning. "I want to play confidently and as

by 메이저사이트추천 (2022-01-07 19:16) 


Of the total 13 times, it was held seven times in the United States and six times outside the United States. In 2015, the Presidents Cup was held at Jack Nicklaus Golf Club Korea in Songdo, Incheon.

by 안전토토사이트 (2022-01-07 19:16) 


The Presidents Cup is a biennial men's golf team competition, and international teams except Europe will face U.S. teams. The Presidents Cup will be held in the year when the Ryder Cup

by 메이저사이트순위 (2022-01-07 19:17) 


Since it is the Presidents Cup, there is a tradition in which the president or prime minister of the host country serves as honorary chairman. Countries other than the United States will alternately

by 안전놀이터 (2022-01-07 19:18) 


The 14th Presidents Cup was held last year, but it was delayed by one year due to the spread of COVID-19 and will be held at Quail Hallo Club in Charlotte, North Carolina, from September 19 this year.

by 먹튀검증 (2022-01-07 19:18) 


"Tiger Woods will play any role in the Presidents Cup," said Davis III, head of the U.S. team. This means that he expects Woods to play as an executive and player. Woods underwent leg surgery in

by 먹튀폴리스 (2022-01-07 19:19) 


The Presidents Cup trophy is produced by Tiffany, a world-renowned jewelry company. The entire trophy is plated with 24K gold on pure silver. The weight of the trophy is 12.7kg, which is

by 먹튀검증 (2022-01-07 19:21) 


According to Tiffany, the Presidents Cup trophy takes a total of 80 hours to produce. When the Presidents Cup is held, the trophy is "out" to the venue and is usually stored in the World Golf Hall

by 안전놀이터주소 (2022-01-07 19:23) 


The trophy consisted of five parts: a pedestal, a support, and a cup. In the center of the cup at the top of the trophy on which the world map is drawn, there is the name of the competition

by 안전놀이터 (2022-01-07 19:23) 


Lim Yeon-seok, who played on the second-division tour of the Korea Professional Golf Association, is currently running a golf studio in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul with his wife. His wife, Chae Soo-jung

by 안전놀이터순위 (2022-01-07 19:24) 


Hello! Nice to meet you, I say . The name of the community I run is 안전놀이터추천 and the community I run contains articles similar to your blog. If you have time, I would be very grateful if you visit my site .

by 안전놀이터추천 (2022-01-13 13:41) 

In the next round, Kwon will face world No. 14 from Canada, Denis Shapovalov. Shapovalov beat Kwon in the second round of the U.S. Open two years ago in their only previous meeting.

by 토토커뮤니티 (2022-01-17 19:46) 

Kwon, world No. 54, had been knocked out of the first round in 2018, 2020 and 2021, and was sent home in the qualifying stage in 2019.

by 토토사이트 (2022-01-17 19:55) 


Rune, the 2019 French Open junior singles champion, broke Kwon to begin the fourth set, but the 18-year-old Dane was hobbled by an apparent leg injury.

by 메이저놀이터 (2022-01-17 19:57) 


Kwon, 24, has now reached at least the second round in all four majors. He went to the second round at the U.S. Open in 2020, second round at Wimbledon in 2021 and third round at the French Open in 2021.

by 안전놀이터 (2022-01-17 19:58) 


South Korean tennis player Kwon Soon-woo finally has a win at the Australian Open after five tries.

by 보증업체 (2022-01-17 20:01) 


Kwon defeated Holger Rune of Denmark in five sets, 3-6, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2, in the opening round of the first Grand Slam tournament of the year in Melbourne, Monday.

by 먹튀폴리스 (2022-01-17 20:02) 


Kwon had a shaky start at Monday's match, with Rune breaking him twice. Kwon bounced back in the second set to even the match, but Rune answered right back by taking the third set.

by 슈어맨 (2022-01-17 20:08) 


With the development of the Internet, we can study ways to enjoy it more easily and comfortably. People all over the world know the greatness of the Internet.
by 토토사이트 (2022-02-04 12:40) 


How are you all living in the era of untact? I'm trying in a variety of ways

by 토토사이트 (2022-02-25 15:28) 


She removed the video following a barrage of criticism, explaining later that a Chinese friend had given her the uniform and she wore it "for friendship."
by 메이저놀이터 (2022-02-26 21:09) 


"Athletes on the national team... should maintain our national dignity and honor," the premier told reporters.

by 토토사이트추천 (2022-02-26 21:14) 


She drew more ire during the Games when she said in an interview with Chinese media that she felt "at home" competing in Beijing.

by 토토커뮤니티 (2022-02-26 21:17) 


The island's relations with Beijing have been especially frosty since President Tsai Ing-wen came to power in 2016, as she rejects the stance that the island is part of a single China.

by 먹튀검증 (2022-02-26 21:19) 


Self-ruled, democratic Taiwan is often held up as a bastion of liberalism but authorities have said Olympian Huang Yu-ting could be punished after she hit a nerve in January when she posted a clip of herself in the Chinese suit.

by 보증업체 (2022-02-26 21:20) 


Taiwan reacted by calling on the International Olympic Committee to "prevent the interference of any political factors to suppress and belittle (Taiwan's) status."

by 토토사이트 (2022-02-26 21:22) 


"Huang doesn't give a damn about Taiwan where she was born and raised ― she embraces China," lawmaker Chiu Chih-wei said on Facebook.

by 안전놀이터 (2022-02-26 21:27) 


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by AbertShaws (2022-03-05 11:45) 


"It's natural because I have to think about the next season as an athlete. However, nothing has been decided whether it will advance to overseas leagues or return to Korea, he said. Kim Yeon-kyung, who moved

by 안전놀이터 (2022-03-07 00:21) 


Women's Volleyball Super League ahead of the 2021-2022 season, returned to Korea on January 10. As she still has the best skills in the world, domestic and foreign attention is being paid to whether Kim

by 먹튀검증 (2022-03-07 00:21) 


An American women's professional basketball star player was taken hostage in Russia. Major foreign media such as CNN and ESPN reported on the 6th that "WNBA star Brittany Griner is taking hostage as sanctions

by 먹튀검증커뮤니티 (2022-03-07 00:21) 


Many American women's basketball players spend winter in the Russian league during the off-season, and Griner was one of them. Griner was reportedly arrested by local Russian authorities on charges of smuggling

by 안전놀이터 (2022-03-07 00:22) 


Earlier, Russian state-run news agency Tas News revealed that Griner was arrested. Griner was reportedly detained shortly after leaving New York in February and arriving in Moscow. Some say that Russia

by 안전놀이터순위 (2022-03-07 00:22) 


The Olympic-sized event is scheduled to be held in Hangzhou from September 10 to 25, less than 200 kilometers (125 miles) southwest of Shanghai, which is battling a large COVID-19 outbreak.

by 토토사이트 (2022-05-08 22:30) 


The Olympic Council of Asia had invited a total of 300 athletes and 150 support staff from nations in Oceania to participate for the first time in the multi-sports event.

by 파워볼사이트 (2022-05-08 22:31) 


Organizers of the Hangzhou games say they are developing a virus control plan, building on the Beijing Winter Olympics held in February.

by 슬롯커뮤니티 (2022-05-08 22:31) 


The city of 12 million will become the third in China to host the continental competition after Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010.

by 바카라사이트 (2022-05-08 22:35) 


All 56 competition venues for September's Asian Games and Asian Para Games have been completed, organizers say

by 토토보증업체 (2022-05-08 22:35) 


<a href="">사설토토사이트</a> Australia says it won't send athletes to Asian Games

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